2023-10-31, 12:00–12:30 (Europe/Amsterdam), Second Main Stage
Is it possible to trick a facial detection algorithm with... yarn? In this talk I will explore the possibilities and process of making a knitted garment to trick facial detection into seeing faces that aren't really there. This talk will go through how these algorithms work (at a high level), and then the process of making an image into a pattern, knitting it, and testing it. I will also talk about the surprising relationship between knitting and algorithms, and other, more practical, work that is being done in the space of tricking AIs.
Ottilia is an Application Security Engineer at GitLab who enjoys doing community outreach, talks, guest lectures and rants to whomever is there to listen.
She first discovered the field of cyber security at a LAN party in Sweden as a young teenager, where she attended a talk on password cracking. She holds a First class BEng (Hons) in Cybersecurity and Forensics from Edinburgh Napier University, and her undergraduate research on drone hacking was published by IEEE in 2019.
When not working, she is often found on a remote island somewhere in Scotland, ideally with her knitting in hand.